Monday 3 December 2012

Practice Shoot For Performance Bed

Saturday 17th November 

We did a practice shoot with lights, smoke machine to see how we would shoot our performance bed before we did it with our artist so we was organized and knew that the scene would look good. 

Monday 26 November 2012

Wednesday 28th Novemeber

Last week we was going to film but the weather was terrible, it was raining and very windy so we was unable to shoot outside in the woods. We are planning on filming all day Wednesday the 28th from 11am, the weather is set to be all good. 

video diary monday 26th november

Friday 16 November 2012

Photo Shoot

Today we sorted out a photo shoot for our album cover and other images that are going to be used on our website and other social networking sites. We tried some studio shots but the outdoor photographs with the surrounding trees and nature looked much better and I was able to play around with LED lighting to create interesting photos. The shots with her holding her guitar worked better as she was not very confident in front of the camera but by holding and focusing on something this made her relax more, meaning I was able to get some great photos. 

Danielle Burton ( Our artist / actor )

This is Danielle Burton a local up and coming singer / songwriter, we have had promotion to use her song 'Gone and Been' and she has agreed to help us out with the music video and campaign. We are very excited to work with her as she has great ideas and thought on the music video.

Costume for bedroom scene

Tuesday 13 November 2012

Props for bedroom scene

For the bedroom scene there is not going to be many shots, it is going to be like a b-roll from the performance scene to help establish to the audience that the performance scene is set in her mind. So we are going to have the artist getting ready to go out, and we are going to so some interesting shot and editing to link the two locations together. 

Props for performance scene

Props for our performance section in our music video, we don't need many props for this section as it's going to be set in the woods so we want it as simple as possible. We have planned to place tea lights and fairly light in the trees to create a cute feminining visual style, with hanging photo mobiles of our artist and a boy to show the relationship she is singing about. These will be used throughout the video to cut between scenes. 

Slight change of ideas

By looking at the song lyrics and talking to our artist we have changed our idea for our music video slightly. We are sticking with the original performance section but the narrative is going to suggest that the scenes in the wood are her dreams as this links with the song lyrics 'dreaming of the gone and been'. We are going to have her in a bedroom getting ready and as this develops it will cut between the two different location to show the woods are a place in her mind that she expresses her feelings and thoughts. We are positive that this will look better as our original narrative section set in London doesn't really fit with the song.

Forecast for shooting this saturday 17-11-12

We are planning on shooting Saturday 17th of November, as its set outside we need to look at the weather forecast to know what times we will be able to film, one scene we do want light rain so this is helpful as it breaks down the whole day for us, so we can plan our day effectively.

Production Logo

This is our production company logo, we have chose to stick to a nature theme as our music video and campaign image is simular to this.

Costume Ideas / Inapirations

For our costume we have decided on a flowing pretty dress, so that its a contrast to the wooded surrounding. We plan to go for a white or light pastel colour so she stand out from the dark greens and browns of the wood making her look pretty and feminine. 
Above are some pictures similar to the idea we have, we have not decided on the final dress yet but it will look like one of the above. 

Song Lyrics 'Gone and Been'

'Been and Gone' By Danielle Burton

Come round, have a beer
all is good
when you are near
take my hand and 
hear my heart
forget the world
beneath the falling dark 

dreaming of the gone and been 
all the things that we have seen
the secrets that we would keep
in the little bed where we wouldn’t sleep
I know 
I know 
I know 
it’s only you.

Feel my breath as you
hold me tight
wrapped up together 
all through the night 
just a boy lays with 
just a girl
no disguises in this dishonest world

and I keep

dreaming of the gone and been
all the things that we have seen
the secrets that we would keep
in the little bed where we wouldn’t sleep
I know
I know 
I know 
it’s only you. 
I know 
I know
it’s only you. 

Listen to the song on soundcloud